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17 Jul
In order to achieve the right embers, the best method is to use the following methods:
Ignite the charcoal in the griller at least an hour before grilling! You can use some newspaper paper but no glossy paper from magazines.
Place a good layer of small wood and a layer of charcoal, which should come exclusively from beech wood (must be declared on the packaging). Beech wood produces the best heat, while grill charcoal from cheap offers is mixed mostly of waste wood and only generates a lot of smoke. The very special taste of the grilled food is due not only to the meat but also to the charcoal burning under it.
When the first layer of charcoal is well-annealed, place the remaining charcoal. If necessary, use a bellows, a cardboard box or a hair dryer to help create a really compact glow pad. But be careful: not yet burnt, black coal pieces’ release soot and are harmful to health.
Clean the grill before cooking. If it is already hot, it works best with a wire brush. After grilling, polish the grill well with a slightly oily cloth so that nothing sticks to it.
Always take the meat prepared for grilling an hour before coming out of the refrigerator. It then develops much more flavor.
Cut larger fat edges before grilling. Narrow fat borders can and should remain. Do not forget to cut them all 2-3 centimeters, as your steak otherwise becomes uncomfortable. Meat pieces intended for grilling should be left in a marinade of oil, pepper,salt, and spices (rosemary,garlic,thyme) for one or several hours. The meat is not only more delicate but also absorbs the spice inside.